Friday, June 4, 2010

#24: The House Where Your Parent Grew Up

My first house in Edmond
This one was easy, considering we live in the city where I grew up. Of course, the kids have seen these houses before, but we drove to each one to take pictures. We rang each doorbell, prepared to tell the current owners of our adventure and to ask for permission to take pictures in front of their houses. Unfortunately, none of them were home, so we took pics anyway.

My parent's dream house that they had built in the late 1970's
(except we had a royal blue convertible MG parked in front!)

I enjoyed going to see my mom's house. We didn't get to go inside or anything, but it was fun seeing the outside and learning what used to be there.
This is my favorite house because it was really pretty. And my mom said it had a playroom. It is in a really cool neighborhood because they had lamps on the mailboxes.

The house I lived in during high school

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