Sunday, July 18, 2010

#86: A Canyon or Gorge

Red Rock Canyon in Hinton, Oklahoma holds special memories for me because the local Girls Scouts went to Camp Red Rock here each summer. I went only once, but I loved it. We slept in platform tents that were covered with Daddy Longleg spiders, hiked the canyon, and ate meals together in a mess hall which I believe had a mural that depicted a local Indian legend. The legend told of two Indian tribes who lived on each side of the stream which runs through the canyon. The daughter of one chief and the son of the other met at the stream and fell in love. The ensuing war that broke out when their clandestine meetings were discovered brought about great bloodshed, and as their blood flowed through the stream, it stained the rocks red. A tree near the head of the stream marks their meeting place. I hope to return to the canyon in the fall to hike more of the canyon and see if I can find that tree.

We hiked a short trail along the bottom of the canyon.

Several old logs sat in our way. This one, you could almost climb through.

The canyon is a great place for rapellers to practice their sport.

I had never seen a nest like this. Somehow, Daddy Longlegs seem more menacing when all clumped together!

Caterpillar A found on a fruit of some sort

The Red Rock Canyon was AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think it made my top 10!!!!! Red Rock Canyon is our state park in Hinton, OK. It is not very visible on the road, but when you start to drive down into it, you will be amazed at what it looks like!!!!! All the red rocks and red dirt looks so cool! We took a hike after we ate under a shelter, and we found lots of interesting things, like a huge group of Daddy Longlegs, some slugs, and some Poison Ivy which I tried very hard not to touch. After we took a hike, we went swimming!!!!! It was so hot outside, so we didn't stay for long, but I had a great time and I want to go back so badly!!!!!

Red Rock Canyon had a swimming pool, and we went into a forest kind of thing. There was a Red Rock Canyon Snack Shack. There was a playground, and a lunch place. There was lots of trees, too. In the forest, there was a bridge going over a river.

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